1、招標條件項目概況:中海油惠州石化有限公司動力部1#鍋爐超低壓燃燒器及自動化改造項目。惠州石化有限公司擬投資建設2200萬噸/年煉油產品結構優化及質量升級項目,優化全廠總加工流程及產品結構,在惠煉二期項目預留用地新建150 萬噸/年芳烴聯合、100 萬噸/年連續重整、160 萬噸/年加氫裂化和40 萬噸/年輕汽油醚化四套生產裝置。資金到位或資金來源落實情況:已落實項目已具備招標條件的說明:已具備2、招標內容招標項目編號:0704-2440JDCP8338招標項目名稱:中海煉化—惠州石化動力站1#爐超低氮燃燒器及自動化改造燃燒器及閥組采購項目實施地點:中國廣東省招標產品列表(主要設備):3、投標人資格要求投標人應具備的資格或業績:
(1)資格要求Requirements for Qualification of BidderA. 如果投標人為境內注冊公司,投標人具有合法有效的企業法人營業執照、稅務登記證及組織機構代碼證或證照合一的營業執照,投標時需提供原件掃描件(原件備查);如果投標人為境外注冊公司,需提供有效的公司登記注冊證明。A. If the Bidder is domestic registered company,The bidder shall have the legal and valid business license of enterprise legal person, tax registration certificate and organization code certificate or the business license combined with the certificate and license. The scanned copy of the original shall be provided during bidding (the original copy for reference);If the bidder is an overseas registered company, it shall provide valid company registration certificate.B. 投標人可為投標設備的制造商或代理商。若投標人為代理商,投標人應得到本次投標所投產品的制造商同意其為本次投標提供該產品的合法正式授權書。B.Bidders can be the manufacturers or Agents of the bidding equipment. If the bidder is the Agent,the bidder shall obtain the manufacturer's consent to provide the product with the legal official authorization for the bid.C. 是否接受聯合體投標:否Joint Venture: Not Accepted未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
(2)資質要求及證明文件:無Requirements of Qualification of Bidder and Certificate:NO